copy this "opengl32.dll" file to "C:\Program Files (x86)\ENTTEC\DMXIS" Directory or any other you install DMXIS Directory, nothing to setup, then can use Enttec DMXIS software control fixture with our HD512 box. this software can support win7, 8 , 8.1 , 10 x32 or x64 system, but if you need VST function, please install x64 version and please see "VST" DIR's readme. Please Note: In new PC, if have a MessageBox need a SN, you can enter any string and press ok, then will registered ok, in new PC only do onece. --------------------------Chinese-------------------------------------------------------- 拷贝我们的“opengl32.dll” 文件到 DMXIS程序目录, "C:\Program Files (x86)\ENTTEC\DMXIS" 不需要任何设置就可以通过 Enttec DMXIS软件加我们HD512盒子控制灯光了。 可以支持Win7, 8, 8.1, 10 x32 或 x64 系统,但是如果你需要使用VST功能,请安装x64版本,并请仔细看下VST目录的readme。 敬请注意: 任何新电脑都会出现一次需要输入注册码窗口,可以输入任何字符,按确认后就会注册成功。 hahan 2017-03-01